Children’s Ministry
Every Sunday during the school term at 9am, trained volunteers provide Sunday School for preschool and primary school aged children in the Church Hall.
The aim is to help children understand the Gospel in a way that makes sense to them. Volunteers use a variety of activities, typically with a focus on arts and crafts, to explore the Sunday reading, in a way that that empowers them to actively participate in understanding the Word of the Lord, and allows them to ask questions and grow their understanding of our faith.
Our Children’s Ministry is a positive experience for families. It gives parents peace of mind, knowing that their children are welcomed and cared for, allowing them to attend the main Church Service. The children rejoin the congregation during Communion, with the older Children able to take Communion, and the younger children receiving a blessing.
At the end of the Church Service, the Sunday School attendees present their activities for the week, and discuss what they’ve learnt, which is a favourite part of the service for the Children and Parishioners alike.
St Margaret’s Anglican Church complies with the Anglican Diocese of Adelaide’s Safe Ministry Policy, including ensuring that a minimum of 2 adults are with the children at all times, all Children’s Ministry volunteers (and others in key positions within our Parish) are trained, and have completed Safe Ministry Training, and have current Working with Children Checks and clearance from the Anglican Diocese of Adelaide to work with children. We also have a Safe Ministry Coordinator, whose contact information can be found in our Parish Directory.